If you've followed our blog at all, you'll know that Savory just moved into a new commercial building. It took about a year for us to move into our building, but we're here and we're loving it! We have a lot more storage space, bigger ovens, and we even have a tasting room.
We've also utilized above head storage (not pictured). Our disposable wear and buffet decorations are stored on those shelves.
Our building also has a huge walk in freezer and refrigerator, dry storage room, china storage room, and a little office.
Then, there is the tasting room.
I'll do a full post on this room because it really is fantastic, but here are a few teaser photos. This room was designed by Jessie Crandall- She did a great job!
The room has a modern "grill work" motif throughout the room. It's carried through the room on such pieces as the lamps, the credenza and the rug.
Then we have our front door. I'm a big fan of our striped awning.
Now, a question for you, faithful reader:
what kind of decoration should we put outside our front door?
Leave your suggestions below and perhaps even a link to a picture of it.